I began working with St. Francis of Assisi in earnest when I realized my dog Max wasn’t long for this world. Max has been a part of our family for 10 years, and he’s battled through 2 big cancer surgeries in the past 5 years. After his first surgery, my guides told me I had about 5-and-a-half more years with him. After his surgery a couple of years ago, they told me I had 2.5 more years with him. At the beginning of 2020, my guides told me I had about 5 good months with him, and then at the beginning of May, I knew I had about a month with him. That’s when I REALLY began my journey working with St. Francis.

St. Francis of Assisi
I knew the stories of St. Francis, and I’ve always had a St. Francis statue in my garden, but I hadn’t really WORKED with this saint like I do with Archangels Michael and Raphael, and the Blessed Holy Mother. So I did what I always do when I’m ready to work with a saint, I created a matchbox shrine. I actually made 2 for St. Francis (giving one to a dear friend who I knew could use the vibrations connected to SF). As I was making the shrine, I began connecting with the energy of this saint, and I was overcome with a peaceful feeling. The love of all living things, especially animals who rely on humans for support, was incredibly evident. I listened closely to his quiet energy as it gently guided me to ensure Max knew he was absolutely loved and comfortable in his last days here.
I’m a peace-lover, and I thought I KNEW peace, but working with St. Francis brought a “softer”, much deeper, soul-level, form of peace. I researched his life, I asked him to help me understand what my canine companion’s needs were. He led me every step of the way, including having a mobile veterinarian come to my home on June 3rd to help Max pass in the most beautiful way possible, at home, surrounded by his “human pack”.

The Franciscan friars were originally followers of Francis’ sermons. He is known as the patron saint of ecologists and animals because he would preach to animals. Many knew him as “God’s Fool” for this. Francis was the first (known) person to receive the stigmata (the wounds of Christ). After his stigmatic vision, the wounds stayed with him for the rest of his life; although, some speculate that because he worked with lepers, it could have been leprosy and not the Holy Stigmata. Like all saints, he led a fascinating life, turning away from the riches of his family to live a life of poverty. There’s much more to know about him, so if you’re interested, I suggest reading up on this interesting saint.
For those interested, I will be offering St. Francis matchbox shrines in my shop at a later date. I have more work to do with this saint before I make them available.